Sign Up
Membership in BHFC can be attained by 1) paying annual or monthly floor fees or 2) paying daily floor fees and registering with the USF A as a BHFC fencer. Membership allows the fencer to compete for BHFC, to wear the team insignia and to participate in the government of the club. See BHFC by laws for the full explanation if the rights and responsibilities of membership.
Rules and Code of Conduct. I acknowledge that I have read and understand Beverly Hills Fencers' Club Rules and Code of Conduct printed on the other side of this application, and agree to be bound by them and any other rules of the Club.
Assumption of Risk. I understand that any athletic activity involves physical exertion and risk of injury, and that the sport of fencing involves aggressive physical contact with other participants. I assume the risk of any injury or other medical condition arising as the result ofmy participation in any athletic activity in which I engage at Beverly Hills Fencers' Club. I understand that it 1s my responsibility to wear the appropriate clothing to all classes, clinics, private lessons, tournaments and open fencing sessions. I understand I am responsible for my own safety and for comporting myself in a safe manner at all times.
Consent for Medical Treatment. I certify that on this date I,give my consent to Beverly Hills Fencers' Club and its representatives to obtain medical care from any licensed physician, hospital or clinic for the above named athlete for any injury or illness that may arise during activities associated with BHFC.
Liability Release. I agree to indemnify and hold harmless, and hereby release Beverly Hills Fencers' Cub and its officers, directors,instructors, coaches, members, guests and other participants, and the United States Fencing Association, from all claims, liability,demands or actions of any kind in connections with my participation in any class, olinic, private lesson, tournament, open fencing or other activity that I may attend at Beverly Hills Fencers' Club, or any other training or athletic activities sponsored by Beverly Hills Fencers' Club on or off the Club Premises. This includes, but is not limited to, claims, liability, demands or actions for personal injury or property, damage or loss. This agreement also shall be binding on my personal representatives, heir and assigns.
Fencer's Printed Name
(or name of fencer's parentllegal guardian if Participant is under 18 years old)